Meet Christian: Disney College Program Participant

 East Berlin, PA

“…I think people view community college as a last resort for college, when in reality, HACC has better opportunities than plenty of ‘more prestigious’ schools.”

Christian Arcarese, a HACC communication student, is about to embark on a great adventure.

After graduating from HACC, Christian will participate in the Disney College Program, a highly competitive internship program that will give him the chance to work at a Disney park or resort; complete college-level coursework; and meet people from all over the world. He then wants to transfer to Millersville University to pursue a bachelor’s degree. He said, “My eventual goal is to find a career that provides adventure and improves the lives of others.”

Christian said that if HACC had not been an option, he would be in “serious debt with student loans” and he wouldn’t have had opportunities like the Disney trip that he went on with HACC’s business club. “Most certainly, I would not have applied for and been accepted to the Disney College Program, which will be the ultimate adventure that I have been craving up until this point in my life,” he said.

“My professors here have been phenomenal, going far above and beyond what is expected of them in order to help me succeed,” Christian said. Those professors suggested the Disney College Program and supported him through every step of the application process.

What else does Christian love about his HACC experience? He said, “Most importantly, I love the community aspect that HACC has, which I know I would not find in larger schools.”

Explore your career options at HACC. Please contact an admissions counselor to visit a campus today!


Meet Christian: Disney College Program Participant